Companion Not working

When i use live testing it work but when i scan the qr code for the app it open web browser. Please help. Android 5.1

The companion open the browser with the downlod link if it doesn’t download you may have problem with the browser

The problem can be with one phone not all 3 of mine android 4.4, 5.1 and 6.0

Do you have a lock screen on browser?

no chrome browser

@Kodular We have a bug her

Are you scanning the QR code in the official Makeroid companion or somewhere else because I think you are scanning the QR code the usual way like other QR codes.


You can use the companion from App Inventor to scan your QR code for installing an apk if QR code doesn’t work for you with the Makeroid Companion.


Ok i will try that too, let me check!

FYI: Companion will not work on 4.4 must be 5.0+ now, see below.

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