[center] :makeroid: YaY, here it is! [/center]
Makeroid has been officially relaunched and it will be online forever!
We will provide a minimum 99.9% uptime on our online builder 24/7!
This release has been named under Makeroid Andromeda, or Makeroid Reborn if you prefer
Builder Version: 1.0.0
Makeroid Andromeda
Release Notes
We have added a to the most important changes
Major Changes
Upgraded Minimum API from 14 (Android 4.0) to 16 (Android 4.1)
Added Copy Screen feature
- Added Import Screen (.AIS) and Export Screen (.AIS)
- Thanks to Punya Framework!
Added British English
and Portuguese
Added a nice Welcome Email
for new users
Upgraded Google Login system
Say bye to that ugly Google Login, and say hello to OAuth2
Say bye to that ugly Google Login, and say hello to OAuth2
Implemented Email & Password login system
- Welcome China
users! You can now use Makeroid without a VPN
- Welcome China
Implemented Runtime Permission system
- Watch this video to see what is this
Upgraded Target SDK to API 27 (Android 8.1)
This warning will NOT appear again:
- Makeroid is the first builder on implementing a real Target SDK 27, as it’s required to have runtime permissions as we use now
This warning will NOT appear again:
Improved server perfomance
- See “Servers” section
Added fancy error pages when 5xx error appears
Changed Default Package Name
- Changed from
- This only applies to new apps. Old created apps will still have the old format
- Changed from
Removed 10MB app limit
- Testing showed that now the limit is on 20MB
Removed black SplashScreen
- You can now even set your own image!
Added new blocks
- “Break” block will allow you to stop loops
- “Wait for milliseconds” block will allow you to stop the execution of your code X milliseconds
You can now delete a single block/group of blocks from the Backpack
Added abilty to move blocks with arrow keys on Blocks Editor
General Data Protection Regulation:
- Added to AdMob components new dialog asking for consent for EU
users to show customized ads
- Added warning when dropping AdMob components to phone
- Added to AdMob components new dialog asking for consent for EU
AppEngine instance uses now better servers so lag should have been reduced
Three compilers will now be processing app builds:
- Dedicated VPS Cloud servers with 2 CPUs up to 3.1GHz, 4GB of RAM and 100MB/s of
minimum bandwidth - In front of all of them there is a dedicated load balancer in ArubaCloud redirecting requests to reduce their loads
- This allows us to create new compilers without having to stop our service or build requests
- It will also automatically stop forwarding traffic to compilers that are down until they are fixed
- Dedicated VPS Cloud servers with 2 CPUs up to 3.1GHz, 4GB of RAM and 100MB/s of
Thanks to our partner ArubaCloud :arubacloud:, Makeroid Servers are much powerful now
Changed Companion design
- Now it’s much more simple, clean and useful
- Now it’s much more simple, clean and useful
Changed Companion Package Name to
- Previously
- Previously
Companion is now only compatible with Android 5.0 or higher
Implemented some translations on Companion
UI Changes
Mock-Phone Preview: This means that these settings, when changed, will be now updated on the phone preview
- Show/Hide Navigation Bar
- Show/Hide Status Bar
- Show/Hide Title Bar
- Show/Hide 3 Dots
- Color of Navigation Bar
- Color of TitleBar Text
- Text of TitleBar Subtitle
- Properties of Radio Button
- Clickable property of any Layout
- Makeroid wants to be unique, so our amazing designer @Vishwas implemented the official Material Design into Makeroid Builder
- Now it is much clean and simple:
Added a SearchBox in Palette
- Moved properties to hidden panel, so if you want to show them just click on the name of a Component
- Added categories to properties for a better sorting
Added a SearchBox in Palette
And, yeah, you are right. All SneakPeeks were “fake”
We’ve used the old design in the SneakPeeks because we didn’t want to leak anything releated with it
Redesigned Building Project dialog
- Added Hide Dialog button
Non-Visible components names are now visible below Mock-Phone
Increased SplashScreen height
Added country flags next to their respective languages on Language Selector
Fixed Dark Theme
Bugs Fixed
Fixed Layouts issues
- Layouts were always clickable
- Extensions that were depending on Layouts weren’t working properly
Fixed TitleBar Tabs issue which made them to have the previous color when TitleBar Color was changed
Fixed ListView NullPointerException on some devices
Fixed Show/Hide Navigation Bar not working in some devices
Fixed “reset” Screen bug on Orientation Change
Fixed Logout issue which was logging out from ALL Google Accounts
Fixed Color for StatusBar and TitleBar issue
Fixed TopBar buttons issue which was overriding the created tab
Fixed blocks getting stacked on top of eachother
Fixed Blockly Translations issue
Fixed Custom Package Name
- Now this Tutorial is no longer required!
Fixed Tablet-Mode bug causing strange behaiours on refreshing
New Components
Added new Bottom Sheet component to User Interface category
Added new Circular Progress component to User Interface category
Added new Linear Progress component to User Interface category
Added new Snack Bar component to User Interface category
Added new View Flipper component to User Interface category
Added new Card View component to Layout category
Added new ExoPlayer component to Media category
Added new Maps components to new Maps category
- Thanks to MIT App Inventor Team
- Thanks to MIT App Inventor Team
Added new Dynamic Button component to new Dynamic category
Added new Dynamic Label component to new Dynamic category
Added new Dynamic TextBox component to new Dynamic category
Added new Amazon Ads components to Monetization category
- Thanks to AppyBuilder Team
- Amazon Banner
- Amazon Interstitial
- Thanks to AppyBuilder Team
Added new Facebook Ads components to Monetization category
- Facebook Banner
- Facebook Interstitial
Added new Shell component to Experimental category
Renamed Google Map to Google Maps
Moved Surface View to Layout Category
App Features Stuff that is on the “Screen” Designer or Blocks Editor
Side Menu
This new feature allows you to create professional side menus from blocks. You will just need to design inside a Vertical Layout what you want, and then call it from blocks
Download this APK for a demo, or read this tutorial to see how to create one- Functions:
- Creates a Side Menu with the give Layout
Side Menu Open
- Opens the Side Menu
Side Menu Close
- Closes the Side Menu
- Properties:
Is Side Menu Open
- Returns true if the Side Menu is open
- Events:
Side Menu Opened
- Triggered when the Side Menu is opened
Side Menu Closed
- Triggered when the Side Menu is closed
This feature is not fully compatible with the Companion and it can make it to crash
- Functions:
Splash Screen
Based from this suggestion, Makeroid has removed the black screen that appeard when app is loading
Also, we have added some options for it if users wants to customize it more-
Splash Enabled
: If selected, the app will remove the black screen
Splash Image
(Available when Splash Enabled checked): If set, the app will show this image instead of the black image
New Functions:
Add Menu Item with Icon
: Adds an item to the menu but with an image
New Properties:
About Screen Background Color
: Sets the background color of the About Screen
Accent Color
: Sets the Accent Color of the App
Primary Color / Title Bar Color
: Sets the Primary Color of the App, which is the Title Bar Color if not set
Primary Color Dark / Status Bar Color
: Sets the Primary Dark Color of the app, which is the Status Bar Color if not set
Screen Orientation
: Added Behind, Full Sensor, No Sensor, Reverse, Landscape, Reverse Portrait, Sensor Landscape and Sensor Portrait
: Sets the theme for the app between Default, Light Theme or Dark Theme
New Events
Notifier component
Custom Dialog Selection
: triggered after selecting a Custom Dialog
Web Viewer component
Web View String Change
: triggered after the WebViewerString changes
File component
After Zip
: triggered after successful Zip
After Unzip
: triggered after successful Unzip
On Zip Failure
: triggered when an error occurrs in Zip or Unzip
New Functions
Button component
Set Shadow
: sets a shadow for the Button
Thanks to AppyBuilderTeam
Checkbox component
Set Shadow
: sets a shadow for the Checkbox
Thanks to AppyBuilderTeam
Image component
Clear Image Tint Color
: cleans the Tint Color set for the Image
Notifier component
Create Custom Dialog
: creates a Custom Dialog from the given component (removes it from the Screen and places in the Custom Dialog)
Show Custom Dialog
: shows a Custom Dialog
Textbox component
Set Shadow
: sets a shadow for the Textbox
Thanks to AppyBuilderTeam
Canvas component
: generates an Arc with the given params
: generates a Shape with the given points from a list
File component
: zips a given folder in the given path, with an optional password
: unzips a given file in the given folder, with an optioanl password if set
Device Tools component
: copies the given text to the clipboard
: parsers the given string with between a start and an end
: pastes the copied text
Web component
URI Decode
: decodes the given URI Encoded text
WiFi component
Mac Address
: returns the MAC Address of the device
New Properties
Button component
Rotation Angle
Image component
Image Tint Color
Customizable from Blocks
ListPicker component
Title Visible
Notifier component
Dim Amount
Use Background Color
Slider component
Rotation Angle
TextBox component
Rotation Angle
Layout components
Use Round Card
OCR component
EmailPicker component
Cursor Color
Line Color
FusionTables component
Loading Dialog Message
Show Loading Dialog
TinyDB component
Screenshot component
Dim Amount
Notification Share Button
are Permissions Granted
Available at Blocks
is Read Permission Granted
Available at Blocks
is Write Permission Granted
Available at Blocks
Download component
Requires Charging
Customizable from Blocks
Requires Device Idle
Customizable from Blocks
We have placed all our love and efforts
bringing this powerful Makeroid back
Lots of very demanded functions have been implemented, and we are the first builder having professional features such us the Side Menu or the custom Splash Screen
We want all users to have a great time Makeroid’ing, bringing your ideas into reality with our completly FREE and POWERFUL Builder
Give your thoughts, suggestions and bugs about the biggest Makeroid Builder update on this topic
Happy :makeroid:'ing
@Makeroid Staff