Makeroid Andromeda is here! 

[center] “Check it out!”
We rarely ask our users to read something, but we think this will be really interesting for you. Read carefully all our release topics, you will fall in love with The New Makeroid :makeroid:
After some months of eagerly waiting, Makeroid is back!
This “update”, known as Makeroid Andromeda or Makeroid Reborn, is the biggest one EVER. Not only due to the amount of changes made to our builder, also for the new products we are releasing (continue reading )
We are now a company registered in the Netherlands (KvK Number: 71434976
) , and we have more stable and efficient servers (thanks to our partner ArubaCloud :arubacloud: ). This means that errors such us “Over Quota” or Compiler outgages won’t happen again!
What we want to show with this is our stability. From now on, Makeroid will be running 24/7, with a minimum uptime of 99.9% (we depend on our servers providers) and a guaranteed support with our amazing community of users. As you might now, we are students; but we see Makeroid as our “son”: we will work (and we are working ) on this during our free time as much as we can!
We want to prove that now Makeroid is a serious business, and it can be at the same level as our competitors and other big companies
Makeroid Builder :makeroid: |
We have been working very hard these months, bringing lots of desired functions, components and properties to our main product, Makeroid Builder. We are also the first distribution that allows to compile apps bigger than 10MB! We have tested it and we were able to build an app up to 20MB, but we’ll work to remove that increased limit
Also, we’ve “created” a new extension: .AIS (App Inventor Screen). You are now able to Copy Screens, Download Screens and Upload Screens. So, you can now share screens instead of the whole app. Is not that amazing?
From now on, each Makeroid release/updatewill be named under a constellation name. As Android does with “sweet names”, we will do the same but with constellations. So, that’s why this is called “Makeroid Andromeda”
Check the full Release Notes of Makeroid Builder here:
Makeroid Store
Yep, you are right! Makeroid now provides a self-developed store for apps, extensions and screens!
Some users (for example, because they are students) can’t pay a Developer Account. The idea of our store is to proide a way to share apps for free (yes, free as the Builder
, we don’t like money
You can just upload there your amazing creations and distribute them along friends, family or anyone you want!
Read more here:
Makeroid Extensions IDE
This new product has been designed for advanced users. Makeroid was designed for people who wants to make Android apps without coding, but we forgot about a very important sector: the programmers
Experienced coders might find Makeroid too simple, and coding with blocks might be very easy for them. So, why not “integrate” the classic coding into Makeroid?
As AppInventor isn’t translated into Java, we couldn’t add a Java editor inside the Builder, but we found a little workaround. AppInventor can import extensions (.AIX: App Inventor eXtension), and extensions are made in Java
So, advanced users might want to code and develope his own extensions and increase the possibilites of Makeroid! Just signup into the IDE and start coding following the documentation
More information can be found here:
Makeroid Account
This service can be labeled with “ Work in Progress
”. The Makeroid Account pretends to centralize all Makeroid Accounts into one database. It’s still in progress because it’s “only” integrated in the IDE and in the Store, but in a short-middle term it will be integrated in the Community and also in the Builder
This will help us to comply with the GDPR and manage user data in a simpler way
It’s not only a way of signing in. It’s a control panel for all Makeroid Services (like Google MyAccount). You will be able to see Makeroid General Stats, control your Builder data, see your requirements for @ProKoders on the community, etc.
You can read the available features and our plans for this amazing service on this topic:
What do you think now about Makeroid? Do you like it?
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- Meh, it’s fine
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We have been working very hard to bring this update live, putting all our efforts on it
But not everything is good. One thing we have to say is that we couldn’t implement some stuff that we wanted due to lack of time, but be sure it will come on next update
Please, share your thoughts about The New Makeroid on this topic or in the #feedback:praise category
[center]Happy :makeroid:'ing,[/center]
[center]With , from @Makeroid Staff[/center]