Makeroid Store

[center] :makeroid: Makeroid Store :store: [/center]

Makeroid Andromeda has been officially launched and we proudly announce the Makeroid Store! :store:

What is Makeroid Store?

Makeroid Store is a place where you can upload your projects and share it among friends, colleges or everyone you want
It’s like a :google_play:, but it’s FREE and it’s made by @Kodular :blush:

What can I share?

  • APKs
    Upload your compiled apps to distribute them in production

  • AIAs
    Share your open source projects and link them back in the community

  • AIXs
    If you know Java, you can even share your compiled extensions in the Store!

  • AISs
    This is our new file extension standing for AppInventorScreen, so the first place to share them is Makeroid Store

What features does it have?

  • Unlimited Storage
    You can upload an unlimited number of apps here!

  • App Details
    Thanks to our amazing team, Makeroid Store automatically parses APKs and it gets important info such us versions, permissions or package name

  • App Rating
    You will be able to rate your favourite apps from 1 to 5 :star:

  • App Reporting
    If you find an app that violates our ToS, you will be able to flag it and a moderator will investigate it

  • Much more coming!
    We don’t stop working! Suggest any idea you have for this service :wink:


We created the Makeroid Store because we saw lots of users sharing their apps in the Community, and we wanted to have a better and dedicated place for them
So now, Makeroid Store will make that labour providing a nicer place for that :muscle:

Makeroid Store started just as an App Store, but then we thought that we could extend it to
AppInventor :appinventor: world and provide a better service

We want this service to become one of the flag ships of Makeroid, so we are working on this all time, searching for new ways to improve it :smile:
Some help from you is always welcome, so if you know a way to improve it, just tell us :wink:

Hope you like this!
:makeroid: Team


We have already plans to work a little bit on the design, to improve it more :paintbrush::wink:


Can I Upload my App Build on Appybuilder. Actually when makeroid was not working I Build an App using Appybuilder.

Can you make an Android app like the Google Play Store that let’s us download apps directly at the background and install apps from the Makeroid Store?

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Yes, you can upload any apps you want :wink:

We have already plans for that
@Sander is working on that

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Materialize!!! :heart_eyes_cat:

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