CovidTracker - Track the statistics of the coronavirus easily!

What is the name of your app?


Describe your app:

You can check the statistic of the coronavirus in your country, other countries and globally, of course with a great UI! Weekly updates with new countries and features!


App Store/Download link:

App doesn’t work anymore :((

AIA file (Optional)

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Nice app with awesome UI too… but my suggestion is don’t try to publish on Playstore otherwise it will be rejected, removed or suspended…

Why will it be?

To stop rumour or mis information about covid19 … only government sponsored apps are allowed

Oh, all right, thanks. Is there any store I can upload this to?

Its ok @Maurits_Fokkens … i told it for the safety of your account… i think other stores may allow but i m not sure.

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AİA dosyasına ihtiyacım var ama kesinlikle play storede yayınlamayacağım bana lazım olan türkiye zaten AİA yı istememin sebebi türk web sitelerinde veriyi çekememem

I need to file the AİA but it certainly got me that I publish in the play store turkey already AİA y to ask the reason I can not pull data from the Turkish website
Thank you

I am not sure what you mean, I’m sorry. If you’re trying to get the AIA, I’m not giving it to anyone. Sorry.

kodlarını paylaşabilirmisiniz AİA yı paylaşmamanızın sebebi nedir

Can you share their codes? What is the reason for not sharing the AIA?

Kun je hun codes delen en wat is de reden waarom je de AIA niet deelt?

It’s not necessary for people to share their aia files, and they don’t need to give a reason why they’re not sharing it.

Try to make your own app and if you get stuck then ask for help.


I am not sharing my AIA because the graphics are from my friend (i think) but if you want to make an app like this I could help you if you want.

Nice app @Maurits_Fokkens
Great UI

tamamdır benim öncelikli sorum bu verileri web sitesinden nasıl çektiğin ben bu konuyla ilgili ciddi bir araştırma yaptım fakat her web sitesinden veri çekemiyoruz

okay, my primary question is how you pulled this data from the website, I did a serious research on this issue, but we cannot get data from every website.

oké, mijn primaire vraag is hoe je deze gegevens van de website hebt gehaald, ik heb serieus onderzoek gedaan naar deze kwestie, maar we kunnen niet van elke website gegevens krijgen.

Did you wrote the same thing in 3 Languages.


Use this API to get the numbers. Use the web component to get the webpage, and the JsonUtils extension to get the specific values. There are probably other tutorials on this topic, search the community for that.

yeah lol, he translates it through Google Translate.

evet kendi dilim ikincisi ingilizce 3. de uygulamayı yapan kişinin dili hollanda dili olan felemenkçe böyle yapmamın nedeni kendi ülkemin insanları rahatça görebilir diğer insanlar ingilizceyle rahat görebilir uygulamayı yapan kişiyide rahat bir şekilde görsün diye ekledim

Yes, the first is my language, the second is English, and the third is Dutch.

Ja, de eerste is mijn taal, de tweede is Engels en de derde is Nederlands.

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So, please use just English language here in the forum, ok?

Thank you!!


Samsung Store , Aptoide ,

Please tell me how did you made the cardview design?