Create admin app Show all user data

Create admin app Show all user data using firebase database (number + click + view) in list view Please help me

You could set ListView’s HTML Format property to true and use text join block and <br> to create what you want


Try like this

My project please help me

try to construct what we suggest, add one web block component and make the construction

I try to see what happens

This is not happening, I want to show the click view below the number

I don’t think so you have correctly used the blocks as i suggested. I got the values properly as you showed in the picture


I got it you want to show it upon a click , in such case you cannot use listview but you could use @yusufcihan dynamic component extension… after the above web1 got text over. Create dynamic component in such a way tha tags are in one HA(make it as clickable) and their respective Click and view values in next HA and make it as visible to false

Once construction over, and if you click HA1 then make Corresponding next HA visible to true

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