Hi! I tried to find a solution for the error 1101 in the forum, but nothing works. Can anyone please help me? I tried different things, but really I don’t know what can I do. The error shows “unable to get a response with the specified url: http://translations:”
Also I used curl-to-blocks. This is the code I’d like to use:
POST /v2/translate?auth_key=my api key> HTTP/1.0
Host: api-free.deepl.com
User-Agent: YourApp
Accept: /
Content-Length: [length]
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
auth_key=my api key&text=Hello, world&target_lang=DE
Sorry, I don’t know how do that . Do I need to use this blocks to get the translation “English - German” from the url?:
I’ve never used json or dictionaries.
Finally I did it! Thanks everyone for your help. I found in other thread how to do it easier. There is two ways (differents blocks, but they do the same thing) to use deepL API translator: