Hello family, I would like to know how I can have the following:
I use the location component that kodular offers, specifically the current adress block and it returns an address with the following nomenclature:
Calle 1 # 234, name of the area, the country
And I would like you to throw me the nomenclature in this way:
Calle 1 # 23-45 Zone
Which is really how we handle it in my city, I don’t know if it’s an API that I could use or I don’t really know.
I need a little help with this, thanks in advance.
(Kartik Bhargava (kartik community Inc.) [Camox apps])
try this extension if works plz mark answer as solution
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I would appreciate if you shared the blocks to show the current address, I do not mean to show it on the map, if not in a labels:
Cra 1A # 23-45 Zone
( YoMaxi Company)
Hello, thanks for your input.
Can you explain to me what your blocks do, I just don’t understand … How can you get the corresponding address as I say I want to get it?