I am working on custom listview designs for the builder and would like to know what kind of listview you would like. Please send a picture or explain what you like and I can make it happen.
I am working on custom listview designs for the builder and would like to know what kind of listview you would like. Please send a picture or explain what you like and I can make it happen.
Hey Sander,
I think most people want something like the image below…
A List with image, title, subtitle, icons and some extra text like the temperature on the right side of the image.
Another great feature is the swipe function:
And for the future, it will be very nice, if we can add between the List item ad’s like the example below:
And this Extension from Mika and Vishwas is also very nice:
Thank you
(image sources: google)
What do you think about this? Is it possible?
Maybe with animations?
Or cards?
Obviously all in material design!
You want a lot information to show on your lists. I’ll take a look at what I can do
Maybe a ListView tab editor similar to a Screen Editor?
So we can drag images, labels or buttons inside, and then drag this personalised ListView in the screen.
That will be a lot of work, but maybe I can make a XML editor
It’s just an idea, I understand this will take a lot of time. I consider it as multiple screens (one above another) inside a single screen.
What kind of options/properties would you like for the lists?
I don‘t know if this possible now but a property to get a json list from a variable would be nice. (ElementsFromJson)
Like this thread: https://community.makeroid.io/t/dynamic-listview-in-javascript-using-webviewer-json/2527
Buttons, images, labels, arrangements, switch, checkbox, textbox, spinner, slider, date picker, rating bar, etc. (If it’s possible. Bold ones are what I think they are the most important).
Some ideas.
Good luck!
I am trying to allow the user to use custom xml files, but I dont have much time this week
I am not able to make a listview component which supports custom XML. However I can make XML templates where the user can choose between. I would like to get some screenshots or even XML files with listviews that you like.
do you have preview of the listview what you have done ?
Any new List components for the upcoming release?
I dont think in the upcoming release. I am going on holidays and I dont have time to work on Makeroid then
I really don’t want to be annoying and intrusive,
but are you still working on it or is the topic “Custom ListViews” over?
I’m really interested on custom Listviews because you can done so much things with lists
I have other priorities now, but after that I will make some cool stuff
It would be nice if you could add additional options by sliding the list element to the left.