CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

So have you created and make a webview active?

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yeah… the web view is active, I was able to operate normally when I was testing my browser without the custom web view but when I tried to get the ssl certificate and verify if it is secure but it came up with that error

Can you show your blocks?
Also specify which version of extension are you using.

These are working fine for me:

(latest version 10.1)

Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 10.10.37 AM The following blocks are what I used. I am using the latest version btw

You didn’t show from where you calling GetSslCertificate method.

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Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 10.43.08 AM

Ok then post an APK.

MyBrowser.aia (893.6 KB) MyBrowser.apk (5.5 MB) I uploaded both the AIA and the APK in case you need to import.

Thank you very much for trusting enough to share aia file.
But, trust me, I found two strange things:

  • the blocks you show in this post say a lot about your understating about this extension.
    So do you think that CustomWebView is somehow magically attached with WebViewer? :thinking:

  • I would like to know how can I help you with these blocks?


whoops I shared the unupdated version, I will share the new one shortly, and, I was assuming that it could give me a boolean value if the website was secure in its ssl certificate or not. This is all I need the answer to. And, yes, I did remove that incredibly long string, it was just a test.

Have someone ever use samsung browser they have features of ads block in which they allow third party ads blocker ( For ex I use to stop ads in samsung browser

Its really good and almost no ads
I also want to implement in my browser can some one help me / please :pleading_face:/

Definitely not.
You are using Webviewer to load website and assuming CustomWebView to get SSL certificate for you.

You should improve your reading time.

So, just to be clear, it can’t verify the SSL certificate of the website WebViewer is on? And, also, what is it used for if not.

Please don’t be rude to the extension developer.

Please read the topic, know how to use it as i can see you have not used the extension blocks in correct way !!

Load the website through CustomWebView and then get SSL certificate !!!


How can i upload images
I have tried something but whenever i want to upload image the file opens but didn’t allow to select any of images
Please help
Also it works only once means when i open the app and click on upload on any website for the first attempt it opens the file manager but after that onwards if try to upload another image the file manager didn’t opens.
Please help
Please help

Ohhhhh ok, now I have the solution. Sorry for any bothering, thx for making the extension

Kindly show what you have tried.

Of course that’s what it should do.
Whenever you see a js alert on browser you need to dismiss that in order to continue browsing.The case is similar with file upload prompt.
Either you need to upload a file or dismiss the request.

Would it be possible for me to edit a value from my site?
Example: In kodular I have a number 40 and I want to put this number in an input to receive this value!
Would that be possible?

You mean autofill?

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I got exactly what I wanted.

Three questions came up…
1 - How do I get the id of this html?


div role=“button” data-button="" data-funding-source=“card” class=“paypal-button paypal-button-number-1 paypal-button-layout-vertical paypal-button-shape-rect paypal-button-number-multiple paypal-button-env-sandbox paypal-button-color-black paypal-button-text-color-white paypal-logo-color-white " tabindex=“0” aria-label=“Cartão de Débito ou Crédito”>div class=“paypal-button-label-container”>img src=“data:image” alt=”" class=“paypal-logo-card paypal-logo-card-”>span class=“paypal-button-space” data-v-e6f98a5a=""> /span>span class=“paypal-button-text true” optional="" data-v-e6f98a5a="">Cartão de Débito ou Crédito/span>/div>div class=“paypal-button-spinner”>/div>/div>

2 - The code has an “onClick: function” that opens a popup when clicked to confirm, how do I put it? It is already in the code, I just want to make it appear.

3 - How can I eliminate the blank space in the webview?
Ex: The webview consumes 50% of height, but my code consumes only 20%.