CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

If I set the cookie of a specific URL to empty string it just adds a new cookie with previous cookies.

Before setting the cookie

Screenshot (117)

After setting the cookie

letest version uploading failed!


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load new window not work app clossing.
razor_pay.aia (68.6 KB)

Blocks you were using


Parent WebView cannot host its own popup window.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Kodular webview component block ads?

How do I download blob / file:/// urls? I tried and I am having a hard time.

Anyone here to help me?
I want to open the pop-up link in the external default browser but where to get that URL as there is no option of getting URL in .OnNewWindowRequest instead there is option of id.

Simple words: From CustomWebView when a new window request comes it just opens in default browser.
Help me!

Unfortunately that’s not possible with Customwebview.

Scroll few posts up to learn how to handle new window requests.

Hello, I am trying to take a photo and display it in a “webview” or a “customwebviewer” in Android 10. With these blocks I managed to copy the photo into an “image” component but I could not display it in the webviewer, please , could you help me? I’ll be very greatful

I’ll suggest two things:

  1. Properties set from blocks are applied to currently active webview so you must call them after making a webview active.

  2. I see you still have not followed suggestion of prefixing file:// to file path while loading file in webview.

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blocks (11)
Like this? but it still doesn’t work for me

Maybe tell what error are you getting.

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web page not available
the top one is customwebviewer, the other one is webviewer
thanks for the help!!!

There is absolutely something not shown in the blocks above because you are copying files to ASD but path in WebView doesn’t look like that.

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Ok, I’m sorry
with these blocks

I am getting this result.

You can see the image taken with the camera.
thank you again!

picture_to_webviewer (1).aia (4.9 MB)

In GoToUrl method replace title global variable with path global variable.

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it works in “customwebviewer” on Android 9 and 10, but I can’t get it to work in “webviewer”, I am using an extension to classify images so I need to display an image in the webviewer.
thanks again for the help!

How to remove Permissions ?

Hey there,
I want to download the file as I did it but the file should be saved in the default download folder of the file?
default download directory is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/app package/files
but I want it to /storage/emulated/0/Download