CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer

i want to get a specific value on webviewer after customer input data on webview and it will automatically send to sheet sheet, sorry i’m new so can you give me 1 block aia please help me

No, you can’t get that.

i show my friends get susces,but him dont share for me

Website is your?

this page is my

If so then you need to edit the code and pass value using webviewstring.
Add below line in the code where you detect text change in textbox on website:


After that you can get the value from this event:

Hi, i have a prblem with google signin on custom webview. Its not redirecting after google signin and stuck at google login page with loader. When i back press or close application and start it again it ll login or sign up on second try.

My blocks;

Try this

WebViewer_Google_Sign_in_1.aia (69.6 KB)

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Thank you for answer, its same with my blocks only i use useragent block with ; wv on screen initialize. Its not working.

Try to move it on new window request block and see if it works for you

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Nope, when i moved away it from initilize google signin button on webview dissapear.

Make sure user is currently signed in on device at least in one Google service.
The below aia works in my phone:

CustomWebView_Permission.aia (117.3 KB)

Probably you should disable SupportMultipleWindows property.

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Bingo! Thank you very much @vknow360 Its working when i disable SupportMultipleWindows

Most probably projects was created with MIT App Inventor and doesn’t work on Kodular

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Yes, but it should work in Companion.

Hola, podrías explicarme como funciona esta extensión? no encuentro documentación ni ejemplos de como realizar un webView offline. grcias!

You can find a basic usage here:

Read current topic to learn more about the extension.

And before creating a post, make sure you have written in English.

I need help.

I’m using the latest version of the extension, but my OnNewWindowRequest block doesn’t have the URL option. It only has isDialog and isPopUp

Did you read the thread or search in the community? :upside_down_face:

Hey, how’s it going? I did read the topic, but apparently I didn’t understand it well. Would you help me?