The wave is an example of metachronal rhythm achieved in a packed stadium when successive groups of spectators briefly stand, yell, and raise their arms.
Create a procedure that takes a string and turns it into a Wave.
wave("kodular") ➞ ["Kodular", "kOdular", "koDular", "kodUlar", "koduLar", "kodulAr","kodulaR"]
wave("just do it") ➞ ["Just do it", "jUst do it", "juSt do it", "jusT do it", "just Do it", "just dO it", "just do It", "just do iT"]
wave(" ") ➞ []
Good one! Nice effect! I hope more people, will take on these challenges. It’s a very nice way of learning new stuff by looking at all the different solutions to the same problem people can find.