Decoding Json - Please Help

Hey folks, I have tried many times but I’m not able to decode JSON. I really need your help! Thanks in advance

{“status”:“ok”,“totalResults”:69,“articles”:[{“source”:{“id”:null,“name”:“CryptoZink”},“author”:null,“title”:“Bitcoin Indicator: BTC on Verge of Parabolic Bull Run to $50k+”,“description”:“Bitcoin is no stranger to parabolic bull run. BTC was only trading at $13.50 in early April of 2013. By the of 2017, price surged to $20,000.”,“url”:“[",“urlToImage”:“”,“publishedAt”:“2020-02-23T07:06:57Z”,“content”:"From ]( [+3372 chars]”},{“source”:{“id”:“cnbc”

Is not a well-formed list of pairs.
I want to extract -
title, description, urlToImage
Any help is welcome!

Go in : image
Then: image