[Demo]Vocals remover app for youTube

App Name:

My app Name is “Apwa”.


“Apwa” is an app created by me using kodular
It’s function helps you to separate vocals and music from short songs on YouTube videos
With Max (8 minutes )
This is useful app but the app is in demo stage
But I wanted to share it with you to tell me your opinion about it so I can take feedback to improve this app to be better.

And I used Uniconverter website service
This website presents API for this service




I won’t share APK file till the app be completed
Cause the app is demo

Thank you all :blush:

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This looks really cool! I think you should add a progress bar during the progress but otherwise I love the design and the concept is original. Nice work :wink:

Thank you very much I will add progress :ok_hand:

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