[Deprecated] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

I was either but Taifun had said that he is not going to update this extensión anymore.

Did he say so agin? But I found some his words on a certain topic he said that he cloud update it with v5 Library since they are available I wonder why he changed the mind again while some of his clients we still need the aix!

You can see here:

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Any video tutorial??

Are you using these both extensions?

Or just com.oseamiya.admobsdks.aix

I am only using this com.oseamiya.admobsdkLite.aix I don’t understand which com.oseamiya.extrasdks.aix are you referring to!

Your app is crashing not bcoz of any mistake in blocks. Its crashing bcoz when u use this admobssks extension only, along with that its compulsory to use extrasdks extension too.

Then it will work find if u use both. I am sure your app will not crash after yoy implement this.

Well, using AdmobSdks and ExtraSdks extensions instead of AdmobSdkLite extension, the app can be compiled, but it crashes when the interstitial ads are shown (they load propperly).

No problem with banners.

When trying to login with Firebase authentication the app crashes too.
This screen when trying to login with Goolge sign in button:
And this one trying to login with email and password:
Something is wrong.

I can’t get your aix to work when I install the extension, my app opens and closes immediately

why cant people read simple instruction, this extension is very easy to use. nothing is complicated about it, just read and follow the instructions from the developer.

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select “Download Blocks as Image”. You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


No issues in compiling… I just Said how to use this, bcz we are confused about admob Policy…

Hello, I am desperately waiting for the guide and block you promised to post soon about the
EU Consent Policy. Please, it is a kind request that you post that ASAP so that we can update our app with your new extension version. Please post the AIA with the blocks so that we can understand it with ease.

Also, users face some issues like ads not showing in test mode. Sometimes the app crashes because of the extensions and some runtime errors. It is a kind request that you please resolve these issues.

Thank you for all your help and time, @oseamiya

I tried the AIA file from Osamya and it does exactly the same thing. the app opens and closes immediately. inside there is only Admob???

I just tried again on my admob banner app.
the app doesn’t even have time to open. I removed the blocks and I tried again it’s still the same (admob and stays in but compement). I remove it my app works. I did a test with the companion, with the extensions and the blocks, I have no problem, but I do not see the banner. I think my problem comes when I do a test with the apk and my smartphone has an antivirus

I read well, but when I use the apk of my app with admob, I don’t even have time to open it. I think it comes from my antivirus. If not, tell me how to proceed. thank you

To find out what is going on, use logcat

Btw. generally it would be a good idea to post your relevant blocks


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I have an question that If i use ads using this extension
so still i need monetization approval from kodular or not

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Do we still need to use the NiotronIDE?