if “RegisterEvent_Timer”, then “get_value_TinyDB” and SAVE VALUE FROM TINYDB IN “DATA:MYDATA”
I just tried to set it and couldn’t
Loops aren’t supported currently
Wanting Loops soon…
The “registerEvent” from Timer can be used as a “LOOP”.
but we can’t write the “invoke:result” event to a variable!!! (to read this event from “data:mydata”)
From what I understand is, you have to compare two things and show a notification?
save value to variable after calling the last function. ( “invoke:result” → save in “data:mydata”).
maybe in java code?
that has been done, check some examples.
please help me how to show a notification when firestore modify or add new data then show notification background
save “invoke:result” in “data:mydata” AFTER CALL FUNCTION if “RegisterEvent_Timer” .
it’s impossible now?
The new version of the extension is almost ready, also don’t worry, I’m going to include some examples.
super excited , I hope it`s ready today, happy annivarsary btw
version 3.7:
version 3.8:
example_Json_3_7.aia (482.0 KB)
example_Json_3_8.aia (483.4 KB)
I just change the extension and everything starts working
Hi, do you mean 3.7 is working and not 3.8?
If thats the case, that should not happen actually, I do not remember changing the part that is related with replacing data.
Hi! I wan´t to autostart an application directly when a tab is started/restarted. I also wan´t the app to restart itself after given time if the app has been exited by user. Is there anyway to achieve this with the extension? Please help with blocks.
Thx in advance!
The current version of it cannot but the next version can do that.
I am not sure about that, can you the project file containing version 3.8?
I checked the AIA file, there is one block missing to the decodeJSON function.