[DISCONTINUED] πŸ’Œ Notification Style: extension with various types of notification. πŸ’Œ

Yes, and that’s a shame.

Are there any alternatives to this (for .PlayMusicNotification)?

Note: This extension doesn’t work on Android β‰₯ 11 ( PlayMusicNotification).

There is currently no MediaStyleNotification extension, neither for Kodular nor for AI2 or any AI clone that also works on Android β‰₯ 11.

See here:

Good night,
congratulations for your work.

Would it be possible to create an update like the progress notification, SetProgress, more for the music? would solve a big problem to update it.

thanks for listening

I have a question
How to make two channels?

How do I make the action buttons in the notification work?

Amazing extension! Any possibility to add β€œPersistent Notification”?

Superb extension, there is no better!

Music Style notification is no longer Working, Please make an update :confused:

Please read all posts. Then you find the solution …
It is not our job to do this for you. :upside_down_face:

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Wasn’t this a rude reply?
I think this would suffice:-

Please read all posts. Then you find the solution …

Pardon me if I am wrong :blush:

No For It Wasn’t a Rude Reply

Okay! :blush:

suppose I send a simple notification. and I want after click on this simple notification i want to get the title and subtitle. can it possible???

@AppHelper_Studio I think yes image

no :expressionless: :
that block is for returning the message typed in the notification… moreover he is asking for simple notification

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no… unless you can request the developer to add this option

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i just corrected u also refrain from using that big bold text with emojis

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any solution???

you could use the inbuilt push notification component if u just want to use simple notification…

use the notification opened event not able to paste image