Dynamic Admob banners doubts

Hey:v: I have saw that it is possible to create multiple AdMob banners dynamically, but I have some questions about it. First of all: Can I do it? or doing it I break some Google rules?:sweat_smile: Do I have to use an ad unit id for each of them or only one for all? I get paid more (for each banner’s impression or click) or only for one banner? Then there is a strange fact: when I test my app on companion with dynamic banners I get the real ads and not the test ad, even if I use a test ad unit id, I don’t know why… And when I install the apk I get the kodular’s message that says to me that my app is not allowed to show ads because I haven’t done the request (but the apk should show just the test ads…). So, I know that this argument could be a little be difficult and confusing, but I appreciate any help, thanks:upside_down_face:

If you are only thinking about making money by putting multiple banners in it i guess your request for monetization will be refused. So you will break Google rules i guess but also Kodulars. We don’t want to be known as a platform that supports earning apps or apps that are filled with banners etc. etc. So think before you do that. In the end you could also loose your Kodular developer account.

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I have understand, I’m sorry, I won’t do that