Dynamic card design( Movies,Drama)apps

i have a method i dnt know its worked or not…hide ur movies etc section by online values…when uploaded done…change those value to on…

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okk I will try this method thanks.

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can u share ur Movies app?

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This idea is risky as well. Imagine you have done according to idea above initially during the initial launch time. After few days, if Google finds out that you are using copyrighted material, it may un-list/suspend your app from playstore and along with this you will also loose the hard earned user-base.


Super :heart:


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And tell me about this Movies app ?

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thanks ! good job

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u can use android id for this purpose…i mean only specific android id get(show) this section which section looks copyrighted…


what u want to know?

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Where’s the link?

might be this one -

I think ur App’s icon is look like netflix… Change it

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@Nitin1 Don’t hijack this topic with your own app. I see you use copyrighted material. That is against the TOS you signed when you started using Kodular so it can cost you your developer account.