Dynamic component list

Hey Koder, I have created a list using dynamic component. So i want to show 1 Banner Ads After Every 5 Dynamic List. Is it possible in koduar if yes so how can i do it. Please Help me
Thank You:))
I have tried but ads are showing after every list but i want to show ad after every 5 (any other Number what you want) list.
See my blocks

I don’t think it’s allowed to create ads dynamically. I guess you will break Admob rules by doing this, which may result in your account suspension.
Be warned:exclamation::exclamation: :exclamation:

I Know i just wanted for educational Purpose

This is not any excuse to save your account from being suspended.
A simple solution would be to figure out any other legal way of using ads in your app

No Actually I wanted to show my Own Ads(Promotional ads)

Your blocks tell a different story!!! :smirk:

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this is just a test project. I’m doing experiment that how can i use it. then impliement in my app