Greetings, when the Dynamic component extension creates the components, it blocks the application for a few moments until it shows them. I have configured the UI and I am loading data 10 by 10. Is there a solution for this error. Thanks.
what I really want to know is why dynamic component blocks the app for a few seconds when creating the components, I have searched almost everything in kodular and they have made comments about it but they have not given an accurate answer
Hola, this happens to me. When dynamic component is creating the components from templates mi apps is block for a few seconds until creatings is complete. I use the UI and i loading data 10 by 10. I really thanks some helps
Greetings, first of all I want to apologize, it was not my intention to bother you.
•I use the float View extension and image utilities but I also get the error without using them
•It happens to me both in my project and in a blank one without other extensions
•I am using the UI in the thread property
•I am loading the data in 10 increments