Dynamic icon status bar (light or dark) for Push notification - One Signal small icon

Using Onesignal to push, set “ya” to Small Icon

But the color of app icon is the same color as the status bar, and it becomes invisible when notified.

See the color of icon app. Same used as push

How to make the icon light as the others?

Thanks community!

Thank you!

This icon customization could be implemented in Kodular itself, in the application settings, in the next versions.


And how to make the icon light or dark depending on the background of the open application to give contrast??
When an app with a dark background opens, all icons are light.
When an app with a light background opens, all icons are dark.
When I get push from another app but the status bar background is dark, its icon appears light too, for example.
But the app icon made in Kodular doesn’t do that

See the orange icon.
It does not respect the color change requested by the block

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I decompile app with Download APK Editor for PC and Mac – APK Editor Studio
Swap icons named “ic_os_notification_fallback_white_24dp.png” in all folders and recompile APK.
Work perfectly!

But i repeat:
Kodular could have an icon manager.
Or I could take the main icon, overlay its color to white, and generate the resolutions 24,36,48,72,96px!

Or there could be an extension for Kodular that does this.
It would avoid having to decompile and recompile the APK each time.

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