Err_unknown_url_scheme whatsapp not open

Help me. I created app convert my website into webview but when i click on whatsapp or skype button it show err_unknown_url_scheme please help me

blocks (1)

Or you can setup Deeplink feature in your custom webview

Thanks for this but i do not see Extendwebviewer option. From where i get it?


Find the option related to On loading started or on loading completed in customwebview

two option is there which one i select


Page started

not work. here is my button url

In contains text block -

  • piece β†’ whatsapp://

same error not working.


You are loading the website in webviewer and you use customwebview for result.

Use Customwebview or Use Webviewer.

Use one not both.

which one i used?

I recommend customwebview

here is my block what i need to do ?

:roll_eyes: Don’t you think you have to learn basics first.

Try this How to use CustomWebView extension?

please help me i need to only convert my website to android. And i watch youtube video and create block but whatsapp and skype button not work.

Dm me the website i will make a sample aia

please check

put this in if it contains block

I already recommend this but he is confused with webviews