Error 201 After Update 1.5.5 (Camera did not return an Image)

Did it worked?

Thanks it work fine for me, I use it in 3 different formulae on the same page just change the camera 1, camera 2, and camera3 thanks :relieved:

how can i use this solution with two cameras?? please !

yes you can use it, just rename the camera and all shall be ok

thank you really
but this is the onely way i solved by it

and more thank to you pro

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this is some notes (( which happen with me ))

  1. Give no resuilt

  2. Gave this output but no image

3.Gave this output and “” Gave “” image

and this is the aia File

cameraSolution.aia (37.4 KB)

and this is the aix link which i used

and more thank to bodymindpower and Taifun and Dario_R for helping :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:

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You’re welcome… I think you just need to do this…

thank you really

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I have tried it with a motorola cell phone and it duplicates the photo, one in the path of the pictures app and another in the image gallery of the camera

Great. Very good.

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