Error 201 - Camera Did Not Return an Image – Need Help as a Beginner

I created an app in Kodular to help me with my work. Its main features are:

  1. Creating a folder on the phone:
    The user enters a name, which will be used as the name of a new folder.
  2. Taking photos:
    The app allows taking up to 5 photos, which are automatically saved in the folder with names formatted as:
  • _1.jpg,
  • _2.jpg,
  • up to _5.jpg.
  1. Adding text options and notes:
  • The user can select up to 5 text options, which will be saved as a .txt file in the folder.
  • Additionally, the user can write a note, which will also be saved as a .txt file in the same folder.
  1. Saving data:
    When the “Save outlet” button is clicked, the folder is created, and all data (photos, text options, and notes) are saved in it.
  2. Starting a new process:
    After saving, the app resets to the initial screen, allowing the user to enter a new folder name and start the process again.

Unfortunately, while testing the app, I encountered an error:
“Error 201: The camera did not return an image.”

I am a beginner and have never created an app before, but I really need this one for my work. Could someone help me resolve this issue? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or fixes. :blush:

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You found one of the birthday bugs, i.e. a bug in the system, which already is there for more than 3 years…

See also the bug list here Kodular Bugs Tracker and read Error 201 After Update 1.5.5 (Camera did not return an Image) - #6 by bodymindpower for a workaround
