Error 908 Permission Write_External_Storage has been Declared

Hello Dear Kodular Team I am facing this problem from 1 year i have getting issue in my app.

Is there was any way to get this permission. Give us any solution or any extension for it.

This is skin tool app in which we extract zip file and paste the skins folder in users device android>data folder.

Please Help Me :pleading_face::pleading_face:

declared or denied?

What about doing a search for 908 here in the community?


I mean denied

I searched 908

Showing many results related this problem but not solutions

Solved or not? , Android version.

Is there was any way to fix this


Cany anyone build aix

It is working only under Android version 10

Not working in Android version 11+

Protip: provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks


Yeah I also facing this problem
Android 11+ have issue…
You can solve by asking permission for write and read external storage in screen1…
Hope it helps…

Directly give me only one answers.
Is it possible to take access read,write permission in greater then Android 11+ devices.
Or there is no way to get these permission in Android 11+

In kodular?

It is not necessary anymore, these permissions do not exist anymore for newer devices, now there is access to shared storage without permission and there is SAF

Please read Some basics on Android storage system


Dear all after deep search i found extention can solve the error 908
(172) Kodular API Level 30 | Target SDK version 30 | Android 11 - YouTube

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