Error build apk: DX execution failed

when i try to build the apk i get this error:

Makeroid is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 0.355 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling com/makeroid/ivanMORENOripoll/RascayGana/Screen1.yail to com.makeroid.ivanMORENOripoll.RascayGana.Screen1)
(compiling /tmp/runtime1141469235431208868.scm to
Kawa compile time: 3.649 seconds
________Invoking DX
YAIL compiler - DX execution failed.

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Concerning DX execution failed generally there is SteveJG’s monster list


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I have already managed to solve the problem, I deleted the extension google pick account and it has been solved, it is possible that there is some type of incompatibility

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I have build the extensions with Makeroid and it is working on my Samsug Galaxy S6 with Android 7.0

Here is the AIX: com.puravidaapps.TaifunGoogleAccount.aix (3.0 MB)

@Taifun if you could add this AIX to your website, that would be great.

Note: This Extensions only works with Makeroid and not with other Distributions of App Inventor

Can you optimize this extension? Or is that not possible?

@ivan_moreno thanks for letting us know the cause. I’ve got a hunch of what’s happening here, I just need to confirm with @Taifun.

I will try to create a component instead of an extension and see what happens then.

I imagine if it would be possible if another library of google play services was used, but I’m not sure

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You’re welcome, you’re doing a great job.

@ivan_moreno I need to confirm that the extension is causing this. Could you remove the extension from your project and try building again?

yes, unfortunately after the latest Makeroid update the Google Pick Account extension is not compatible anymore with Makeroid, because both use the Google Play Services library. I will add a note on my webpage
Thank you @ivan_moreno for finding it out…


Unfortunately I can’t do anything about this, see also chapter 3.2.3 of the Extensions document

… the external libraries (jar files) must be unique across projects. If a project imports several extensions, then two different extensions cannot import the same jar file.


I already did, without the extension builds correctly.

now it works ?

you’re welcome, thank you for your excellent extensions

Thanks to @Taifun releasing the source code for this extension, I’ve just implemented this as a Makeroid component. It’ll be available in the next release. :wink:


Thank you :wink:

As advised by @Taifun, we’re going to be creating a component for this.

No problem, that’s great news :).

Maybe we can compile your extension with Makeroid, so that you can put it on your website

The source code of the Pick Google Account extension is now available on my webpage
You now could use that code to create a component out of it…
