ERROR exporting

koduar is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was

This error appears to me. just in one app. not for all apps
did anyone know the reason of this error?

Search the forum.

What Is The Package Name

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This package name is

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I Think Your Internet Connection Is slow

Can You Post .aia

No my connection is good
This error appares to me just 3 days ago . Before that tha app has no errors

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can u post aia

How can i post aia ,this error appares when download or exporting

I Want To Check The size of assets

Is there a proplem in assets size ?

I think there is no problem in assets size . How can I know apk size ?

Make Sure Your Aia File Size Is Less Than 10 Mb

check you internet ping

My friend, i cant get my aia file

what is the error

Another apps has no errors

click on view logs btn

plz post aia file i will invastigate it

koduar is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was

You have project in a project issue