Guys, I’m about to give up on using Firebase Storage. I’m using it native to Kodular. I did as directed by the community to upload and download but when compiling this error there. Follow the aia if anyone can help me thank you.
So, I did research and I didn’t see anything like the error I’m having. Another thing, I used a Firebase Storage extension (version 2.0) and I can test it by Companion and generate the apk normally. Works in both companion and apk. I use the same image selector and record in that same format there. When I use Kodular’s Firebase Storage it gives an error. I do not know what to do.
that thread is about “Firebase config file error”, your issue seems to be different…
it looks like searching the community currently does not work… I get Internal server error…
So when I took out the firebase storage component I was able to compile. When I put it, I got an error. I looked in the community if there was any topic talking about this type of error with firebase storage and I ended up finding it.