Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'match' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again


I am building a revenge orgenizer app, where you can add revenges and mark them as done (A to-do list mechanic)

Well, i got this error when trying to export to APK to test it.:

Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'match' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again.

I do not have any errors.

Please contact me directly here or on discord: removed by mod

Check your projects settings for empty properties.

checked some settings, i just want to test the app so i didnt fill the APIs and stuff

i get this error now:
Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again.

Again missing properties in project settings. Set minimun SDK level

yeah its on 29 , thats the highest

If you wish pm me your aia or post it here. Also you should set minimum sdk to API 29 because that means that your app will only run on phones with android 10+

it is on 29 as i said.
what can i do to fix it?

First set minimum SDK to android 6 and again check for missing properties

the only missing properties are the APIs.

i just want to test the app, well the test function also doesnt work.

i still get the same error

Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again.

’indexOf’ of undefined.

As I told you if you wish pm me your aia to check it or post it here

Aia was send via pm, compiles now without problem

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Hi everybody!
I just got the same error when exporting apk file

Error generating Yail for screen 4618032292823040_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again.


This is .aia file
availableSSIDs.aia (35.4 KB)

Here you go

availableSSIDs1.aia (35.5 KB)

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Oh great !
Can you tell me How to fix it?
And please help me with this
Thank you so much!
wifi.aia (39.4 KB)

Both projects were created with MIT App Inventor, missing project properties

  • theme → set to Default (app inventor uses classic)
  • minimum SDK

wifi_3.aia (39.4 KB)


I just adjusted these 2 parameters. Then export the apk file again. But still error!

The aia provided above compiled with no errors

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I forgot to mention that I also checked and unchecked in General project properties Splash Screen, Show Lists as Json, RTL Support just to be sure that are configured correctly

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Yes it is. Your file uploaded is exported ok.
I only want to know how to fix with my original .aia file!

Can you help me a video guide to edit properties for my original .aia file?
If that it is very clealy to understand problem!
Thank you so much!