Error generating Yail for screen 5644758569451520_Screen1: : Cannot read property 'match' of undefined. Please fix and try packaging again

I just adjusted these 2 parameters. Then export the apk file again. But still error!

The aia provided above compiled with no errors

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I forgot to mention that I also checked and unchecked in General project properties Splash Screen, Show Lists as Json, RTL Support just to be sure that are configured correctly

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Yes it is. Your file uploaded is exported ok.
I only want to know how to fix with my original .aia file!

Can you help me a video guide to edit properties for my original .aia file?
If that it is very clealy to understand problem!
Thank you so much!



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I have this file import ok, but export apk failed. Please help me check it !

DendritasGauge.aia (78.3 KB)

Check this one :point_down:

DendritasGauge.aia (78.5 KB)


@Di_n_t_TDL importing projects made with MIT App Inventor or old Thunkable projects as you see causes problems. You could use, upload project, study code and if you wish you can re create it in Kodular


i too have the same problem
but not solved please help

aia here
Chat_application.aia (3.6 KB)

Check this one :point_down:

Chat_application1.aia (3.6 KB)

Hi Anu!
When I import screen .ais from other .aia to my project, it failed and i cannot delete that screen. Can you help me delete it in my file uploaded!
Thank you so much!
TDLSMARTDOOR (1).aia (332.9 KB)

Check this one :point_down:

TDLSMARTDOOR1.aia (412.6 KB)

I had not removed the screen but if you want to remove the imported screen it is removable now :slightly_smiling_face:

Phase extension was missing from your aia

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You are so kind!
Thank you so much!

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TDLSMARTDOOR1.aia (412.6 KB)

Can you tell me how to adjust “Pink” color of Screen 1. I cannot find where to adjust it.
Thank you so much!

It is background image set for Screen 1.



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Omg, I am find a longtime, but cannot see it. Thanksss!

Can you tell me how to change name of Screen “ImportFB8C67”?
It is automatic set name. So very difficult to block code. Thank Amu@