Excuse me, how do i make the screen lock? user can not exit the application unless enter password

excuse me, how do i make the screen lock?

user can not exit the application unless enter password

Is it possible? If so, what you will do if they press home button instead of back or exit button of your app?

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Try this maybe it can help

thank you, I will try

I want to make a test application, when students are opening the exam application they cannot open other applications.

can you help me, please?

It’s not possible.

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@YP_Al-Fattah other way to stay of your user
just use clock/timer component and set count down timer if timer end then exam close

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In my school app I have designed by using firebase. If students were connected with network then only app will function. Even during the course(will be showing question paper only from gdrive) off the data, it will show pop up warning message and close .

At Exactly starting time of test i will change the value in firebase as 1 which means exams starts and students can view qp, just before 10min earlier i will change the value to 2 to show an alert, then if I change t to 3 mean app will go to home screen(thougj where ever they are in the app to log in screen ) and further operations will be disabled until I change the value in firebase


I don’t believe it is possible, it is a very dangerous permission, this way any developer could literally hijack the smartphone of the user.

But you can find out if the user leave your app, and if he does you can punish him somehow. For example, when the app initialize you show an alert telling that the user can’t leave the app in the next xxxx minutes. You can use the blocks when app pause / stop to store value appwaspaused in tinydb, and when the app resume the user gets an alert informing that he was suspended for 5 minutes because he left the app. Then the main arrangement and show a clock with the remaining time.

Just a simple example.

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You can use "When screen Stop, pause or resume "

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how to display paused time duration in tiny db?

First go through here

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