Extension Build Failed In CMD Error- XML file dosent exist

i am using
for a while,i now switched to intellij IDEA for some reasons
i did well in all part now i have build it and got the error

Buildfile: build.xml does not exist! 
Build failed

this error is exactly same as

the only difference is
@Xoma said he have build.xml file
and i don’t have it and don’t know how to get it please some one help

but the topic is close now

as @Shreyash,@Mateja,@xoma participated there i ask you to help me others also help please

Post your code and error log here.

You should ask these kind of questions in the app inventor open source development category. This category is for showing your extensions or getting ideas.

ok i will post there anyway solve it some how in app inventor it restricts me to put only 2 links as it says i am new user there so i have some issues