Extension for getting fingerprint of user

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Hello I want a extension for getting fingerprint of user.

like user will open the app and he will give his fingerprint name and mobile no. and i want to store that fingerprint and name and mobile no. on my database can anyone do it.
and sorry for my bad english.

Isn’t there a component for that?



bro i want to get the data of other user also and store them on database.

like i am owner of app and whoever come to meet me first he will fill its details there by using app in my phone like first he will add a fingerprint and rest and then he will press upload.
so i will get its fingerprint on my database.

You should not get fingerprint for identity the user. Because most devices has no fingerprint sensor, and I don’t know if it is possible to convert a fingerprint to a number/code etc. because of privacy reasons.

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I think he means the user has to scan their fingerprint on his phone when they meet in person? maybe not sure tho

Well, fingerprint scanner was not usual a few years before, so there are many devices without these. But now, almost every new Android gadget comes with this sensor. Anyway, most people who has this sensor, use it for authentication. It is a personal information what you shouldn’t collect.


Totally agree.
"I want to make an app where users have to login with their genetic fingerprint and real name and want to store it in a database on google cloud. How to do this?":sunglasses:

Anyone know how to do this?

Because of security reasons you can’t store fingerprints and assign them to users

what you can do see here


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