Extension request: MK VideoPlayer


  1. base on ijkplayer.
  2. gestures for volume control
  3. gestures for brightness control
  4. gestures for forward or backward
  5. fullscreen by manual or sensor
  6. lock screen feature
  7. AspectRatio feature.


  • play(url) //play video
  • stop() //stop video
  • pause() //pause video
  • start() //start video
  • forward() // forward or back video,example: forward(0.1f) forward(-0.1f)
  • getCurrentPosition()
  • setScaleType(MKPlayer.SCALETYPE_FITPARENT) //set video scale type
  • toggleAspectRatio() // toggle video scale type
  • seekTo(...) //seek to specify position
  • getDuration() //get video duration
  • onInfo(...) //callback when have some information
  • onError(...) //callback when an error occurred
  • onComplete(...) //callback when the play is over
  • onControlPanelVisibilityChange(...) //callback when control panel visibility change
  • setPlayerCallbacks() //Callback to control next and previous methods

That’s good.kodular default vedio has not enough features. Should be update


I agree.
Kodular’s video player should be updated.
It lacks so much features that we can not get away using it, we most likely have to look for an alternative.


I sent you a PM