[F/OS] - Dynamic Components Extension (for every component) 2.3.0

use animation utils or decoration component…

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Hello guys!

I am having problems creating new dynamic blocks in different arrangements, that is, initially I create an arrangement1 with cardviews soon making the arrangement1 invisible. Then arrangement2 is visible and I call to create new cardviews in arrangement2. I would like to know why there are no new cardviews in arrangement2?
I tested it in two ways, only with a dynamic block for two arrangements and also with a dynamic block for each arrangement. Would anyone have a solution to this problem without having to be deleting and constantly creating cardviews in the same arrangement?
I remind you that all the cardviews created are configured to be visible and the IDs are all different in each arrangement.
Thanks for your attention and help.

you must create new topic and must show what you have tried till now…

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Hi can you chech the behavior of block delete id with image sprite, Because I can create and delete a button without problems but when I do the same with an image sprite i cant delete it, I created but I cant delete it the image sprite is still showing on the screen.

When you use Delete block, it sets the component’s Visible property to false. So if any component doesn’t have a Visible property, then the component won’t be disappear from screen.

Maybe I can add additional code for Image Sprites in Delete blocks when I have time.

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So I can´t delete it and I cant use that id again right?

You cannot use same I’d

Then I have to set property visible to false instead delete block and use a different Id to create a new image sprite, right?

Yes, sadly. I will see what I can do with that issue.

Thank you, I hope you can resolve it for next update.

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can you support this

Image Sprites already can be created. This extension doesn’t include any specific code for components. One code, all components.


Runtime Error

Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.


remove _ from there

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Hi! I’m trying this wonderful extension.

But… is it possible to create elements in a Table Arrangement?
When I try I can’t see the elements. There is no error message but on the phone screen is clear.

Hello guy;
it’s possible to add click event to this extension because i dont have this event in “any component” section in other platform
Thank you

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Is it AppyBuilder? If so, please switch your project to Kodular as AppyBuilder won’t be updated.

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Hi @yusufcihan
I am working with your dynamic components extention
i am trying to create image sprites in canvas everything is fine in Companian App but whenever i try to compile app and use it …it shoes an error Problem with Application

screenshot is here

Reason of error

mostly it happens when there is slider in your components and you want to change properties (ie Heading )of dynamic image sprite with slider

My blocks


aia and apk

here is my aia and apk please suggest me a solution
testapp.apk (4.8 MB)
testapp.aia (78.8 KB)

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Thank you for your reply and for your great job, but i would like still use appybuilder offline version for the moment! kodular don’t have offline version :pensive:.

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But as AppyBuilder won’t receive newer commits from MIT App Inventor, you won’t able to get Any Component events.