FileTools : Some tools to work with files

Still unable to understand.

Wait…there are already blocks for these i.e. Total Space and Available Size/Space.

component_method (1)

i am used this


but not Support usb

This is a request for modification to the sd card or usb

Android 5 +

Did you meant to get sd card write permission using SAF ?


Can you send me a PM ?

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can i get file list order as same as in the folder…its not in order…how can i sort as per files list in folder

You can use an extension which sorts lists.

Hi @vknow360,

Can you please add a method to read file? I know that is already available in the file component, but if I want to read file from assets, it ask permission to read external storage.

Thank you @DevYB
Yes I can add.
But I think this should be added by Kodular.
I suggest you to open a new topic in #feedback:iwant category.
I will add it in next update if Kodular does not adds.

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Thank you for your response.
The method is already available in Kodular and app Inventor, but the problem is the read external storage must be granted in order to read file from assets.

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That’s is why I want Kodular to remove/not ask permission if user wants to write to ASD or read from ASD and assets.

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Please Help …

I need to copy a file from




I already used the following tools but couldn’t get what I need:

  • Taifun tools extension to get available storages
  • File component to copy (failed)
  • Taifun file extension ( Access denied) although I have permssion READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • Files tools extension ( get nothing copied and no response)

so what would be the correct pathes and what tools should I use?

thanks in adance

Hi @drpeterramsis2007
Can you show your blocks?

see here


as workaround you might want to use


Thanks, but I was the one who gave the idea to @vknow360.

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Would it work with copy async block?

Programmatically not possible since Android 4.4 / KitKat.

Btw, what path is that:


Should be

 file:///mnt/sdcard/ or

Good night its extension is quite good, only that in version 3 these 3 components existed, and in version 8 they no longer exist

Hi @erick_aldo_nogales_sangal Welcome to Kodular Community

Thank you for using FileTools in your project :heart_eyes:

I am sorry for that.There were bugs in older version so I had to fix them and I found some methods redundant so I removed them.
But if you want then you can still download older versions because very soon I will post older version’s aix file here :slightly_smiling_face:

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