‘FileListAsync’ is providing whole path for each file. Is there any way to get only name of each file as a list?
Example - /mnt/sdcard/Download/ Living in the Light.pdf (Currently getting this)
********** But I want to get this for each Item of list Living in the Light.pdf
*****It can be done with SPLIT & INDEX process. But!!
What is the directory for both onboard and expandable storage of a device? I have used file:///mnt/sdcard/ but it’s only working for onboard storage. Do I have to read expandable storage separately with the help of another directory or is there any other combine directory to read whole device storage(onboard and expandable)?
/storage/emulated/0/ this is for device onboard(internal) storage & /storage/82C3-E96C/(NOT WORKING) is for expandable(removable micro SD card) storage So Do I have to read both storage separately with the help of different directories or is there any other combine directory to read whole device storage(internal and micro SD card)?
I think you have to use different directories to read different storage directories.
I can be wrong because I have no knowledge of modern storage structures.
So you have to wait to get correct answer.