FileTools : Some tools to work with files

‘FileListAsync’ is providing whole path for each file. Is there any way to get only name of each file as a list?

Example - /mnt/sdcard/Download/ Living in the Light.pdf (Currently getting this)
********** But I want to get this for each Item of list Living in the Light.pdf

*****It can be done with SPLIT & INDEX process. But!!

But??? :thinking:
That’s the only way.

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You can try this
its working

another approach taken from the Jukebox example here App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps

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What is the directory for both onboard and expandable storage of a device? I have used file:///mnt/sdcard/ but it’s only working for onboard storage. Do I have to read expandable storage separately with the help of another directory or is there any other combine directory to read whole device storage(onboard and expandable)?

It does not work on all devices.
Try using /storage/emulated/0/

Please elaborate this more.

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/storage/emulated/0/ :point_left: this is for device onboard(internal) storage & /storage/82C3-E96C/(NOT WORKING) :point_left: is for expandable(removable micro SD card) storage So Do I have to read both storage separately with the help of different directories or is there any other combine directory to read whole device storage(internal and micro SD card)?

I think you have to use different directories to read different storage directories.
I can be wrong because I have no knowledge of modern storage structures.
So you have to wait to get correct answer.

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See here:

and here:

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Goal : Extraction of data from both internal and micro SD card(If expandable storage is available)

*** Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Have you granted read / write permissions?

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Yeah I have granted.

Everything seems correct.
It should work.

:point_right: :point_right:Last modification date 01/01/1970 05:30:00 AM (for each and every file)


Mistakes are solved here :point_right:FileTools : Some tools to work with files - #168 by Coder007

What exactly is it about? What do you want to achieve?

Probably a bug.
Let me check it.

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Could you add an option to sort(descending) files according to date of last modification?

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and post a test aia.

See here: