Good morning all.
I want to switch from AppInventor to Kodular.
However, I have a problem with the TaifunFile extension.
I made a very simple application to copy a file.
It works great with AppInventor but not with Kodular.
You have an idea ?
Thank you in advance.
No TaiFun File extension is working properly and I also used in my latest app and extension also working perfect in android 11 there is no issue in extension. You need to ask permission a “WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” and then it will work perfect. I guess you forgot to ask a permission
are you using the latest version of the file extension, which is Version 13 as of Oct23th, 2020?
EDIT: your issue seems to be the Kodular logic of storing assets in directory /Makeroid… and this has been corrected in the latest version…
thank you @Boban… it seems to be more complicated depending on the Android version?
did Kodular change the assets directory for the companion app depending on the Android version?
I was testing on Android 10 and there /storage/emulated/0/Makeroid/assets is the correct path to the assets for the companion app…