Firebase Authentication Feature

Expected Response : I want setting up a authentication system with Firebase in which an user use his/her registered email and mobile both for login in and sign up for a single accout same user ID
Getting Response : Right now when we try to a single register user with both Email and Password its creates 2 different user with 2 different User IDs

But I am not able to implement this on kodular. So can you guys include this in next update please ?


Your language in this request is more confusing then the request itself (and that’s because of the link). From what I understand (and so I can make it clear for others) you want to make it so that you can link multiple accounts to one instead of creating multiple for the link? If so, English and German speakers may follow below…

English - He wants account linkage to be added to Kodular’s Firebase authentication component for which he tried to implement it (assuming it is an extension), but it failed. Linking accounts allows you to link multiple accounts such as Github, Google Play Games, etc. to a single account instead of creating more than one account for all accounts.

Deutch - Er möchte, dass der Firebase-Authentifizierungskomponente von Kodular eine Kontoverbindung hinzugefügt wird, für die er versucht hat, sie zu implementieren (vorausgesetzt, es handelt sich um eine Erweiterung), die jedoch fehlgeschlagen ist. Durch das Verknüpfen von Konten können Sie mehrere Konten wie Github, Google Play Games usw. mit einem einzigen Konto verknüpfen, anstatt mehr als ein Konto für alle Konten zu erstellen.