Firebase authentication in not working

I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic

i have used firebase authentication in my project but the signup success block is not working if i do login then it is running login and if i do signup then also it runs login block logic and when i hover on signup success block then it shows “triggers when signup fail” so kindly fix it as soon as possibe

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected Behaviour

runs the logic when signup is done

Actual Behaviour

runs login logic when signup is done and the block runs when signup fails

Show your Blocks


Android version


Most probably the error is caused by your blocks so please provide a screenshot of your blocks and since this is your first topic have a look at

i am unable to add any screenshot but i can give you aia file

Why don’t you add screenshot instead if aia??

because the screen shot is getting blur and no one can understand whats there it is getting very blur

I believe, if you have added your app into the project which is already working with another app using authentication mean then this app will not work. Per project one app only will function without problems. So make sure with that

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