Firebase - Cloud Messaging Extension - Some Testers Needed

He fixed the Firebase Authentication in an update. I haven’t tried realtime database yet


Totally disheartened… 2 years of lost work. One signal does not work. intertitial ads terminates app with errors. No background running, no cloud firebase, outdated SDK. How do you want us to earn money developing an app?


I have uploaded my application in playstore with firebase database and FCM by @iamwsumit and is working fine… I have’nt tested yet with firebase authentication after uploading on playstore…have u tested it with firebase authentication??

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I only tested it in development, but i can’t see why wouldn’t work once uploaded it to playstore.

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Yes indeed…
You are right… I also faced same with some of my non-published extensions…

AFAIK the last update of kodular version:- 1.5.3 was live on OCT 2021 since then no updates were made live.

A humble request to kodular staff to update rather their sdks or components to latest version so that extension developers and kodular users wont face any issue to make their creations.


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mine may work too with db, but not in case of auth

conflicts of old Vs new sdks

If one extension of FCM can work then your extension can also work, I know how it feels when u have done lot of hard work and the end result is a failure, Kodular staff is not responding the way they should and no one does it purposely, every thing doesn’t goes smooth as we want everytime, I am also struggling for the ad manager from last 4 months and what I am facing is just disappointment in-spite I have 50k+ downloads on my app in playstore

Would like to know approach used by @iamwsumit If/any to fix the issue of clash between old and new sdks

@UnknownBeast If anyone make authentication extension then no need of conflict , I think kodular Staff is much busy

I have not faced any conflicts with old SDKs yet. Don’t know if happens in future.
My extension is tested with almost all firebase components as an unpublished APK and it works as it should. I don’t know that mine works on Play Store or not with Auth components. I thought if Auth component works with Play Store then mine extension should also work. Maybe if somebody could check by publishing a small APK with Auth component and mine extension.

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So do I in apk mode unpublished but in playstore mode, no such method is seen

Thanks to @iamwsumit for telling, so the way is to degrade the sdks of extension and use old versions of libraries

Since kodular is always slow in sdk updates and has old sdks, extension will be degraded too


send me the aix if you want and I test it in Play Store with Auth component and realtime.

(@Sumit1334 Version) Is working for sure. I use all Firebase Components and published it to the Play Store, as Alpha Test.


not working in play store

Do you continue working on that?

Maybe you should invest some Money and buy the Extension from @iamwsumit.
This Extension is not bad and will maybe work Someday but with Sumit´s Extension you can be sure.

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I the extension of @iamwsumit I bought it immediately, it works great

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It is probable that I will buy it, in my country the dollar is quite expensive and the government adds% 65 in taxes and places many restrictions. I bet on the @UnknownBeast extension and I think @iamwsumit should collaborate on that, I admire their work but it is a problem facing the community and it could be more collaborative.

If you are using firebase Auth then you need to buy submit extension else
@UnknownBeast extension works fine with database , so if you are not using database also then there may be no chance of conflict
The developer worked hard but he did not know about old sdks , now his hard work wouldn’t work else to change sdks of extension he will have to restart whole extension work that will take much time