Firebase Data Issue

I saved data in firebase with timestamp

But i am getting data unsorted

Can anyone tell me how i can sort data of firebase. I want latest data on top.

try this
this is show last to first so your latest data comes to top


I don’t want to show last to 1st . I want the data i send on firebase it appears on top of my list …its appearing in random order if it was appearing as in firebase then reverse list block would be helpful.

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Here is the Cloud Firestore documentation how you can sort your data…

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Can You explain in details how to use this code?

Hi @anuptiwari69 write your sorting codes inside Rules.


Showing error

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You’re missing a comma at the end of the second rule


Can you help me by writing a complete sorting rule ( sort by name )

What have you tried?

Check the image published above

have you tried this solution? because in image we can see a missing comma after Write: true

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Still not working