Firebase Database

Hi!,I want to create an application using Kodular where (except using the link token given while creating app) users can paste their Own Firebase token and link to connect the app with their Firebase account. This will allow any user to use the app by adding their own Firebase token and link.Is this possible?

Easily possible but why you want this features

i want to make these properties changeable
for every user who use the app

i want to publish my application on app store so anyone who want to make home automation project just download application and connect with their own Firebase database, it will help beginners who’s not familiar with app creation, and also save their time.

yes its possible but there are to many limits on firebase daily/monthly/bandwidth/storage etc limits but its better if you use Google spread sheet instead of firebase… i can help you if you want?

spread sheet is not a good option in this case, because their is no way to send sensor’s data from esp32(microcontroller) to spread sheet and read application’s data from spreed sheet to by esp, that’s why i am using firebase

I dnt get your POV…
you can send and receive data from Google spread sheet fast(Milliseconds or 1 sec)…

i want to send data from my application to esp32 board the best method to do this is using any database, spread sheet may be a option but it also delay up to 5 seconds to send data to esp32, and due to some other reasons i don’t want to use spread sheet

If you are looking to do something professional, don’t use Google Sheets

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First Screen :

  • Check User Log In

  • If Log In then Check he Blocked / Not Blocked

  • If blocked then show pop up

  • If not blocked go to home screen

  • If not register then open Log In Screen

  • Check App New Version

Log In Screen :

  • Firebase Authentication Log In / Sign Up

  • Check Your database that their firebase URL and API key available or not

  • If not available then give form of URL and API key

  • If available their URL and API key then go to home screen

Note : In every screen their URL and API key call from your server and secure their url and api key because its sensitive data

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I’m not going to use it at all

I think the most viable option is that you have the main DB and each user can create an account/login and create their nodes and that each user can only write and read on their ID

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