FirebaseError For a custom firebase host you must first set your authentication server before using authentication features!


For a custom firebase host you must first set your authentication server before using authentication

I am getting this error in companion app while testing
Please help me with that

Show blocks where the problem is arising

Recreate your firbase project and set USA as the location and again add your app with this. It will work.


Problem solved i removed firebase data base from login and sign up screen then problem solved .any way thank u for replying :heart:.

How you can solved problem ? I have a problem like you.

Welcome to the community @MonkeyMan , see here

i am at india can then can i set server location as USA?

Yes you can.

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Remember that you can not change location once a project is created in firebase, you have to create a new one and set location to us-central1

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i needs to make a realtime database or firestore database in firebase for using component firebase database in kodular creator

Read how to create, just set location to us-central1

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Hello Koders,

Is there really no way to set the Server to europe west?

I ask because I need a European Server due to data protection regulations in my Country.

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