[FREE] ASD Downloader Extension - Download and manage files in ASD

Use Do it and show us the filename
Are you able to open another pdf in the webviewer like this?

No! no files opening.

Can I share AIA for further guidance ?

I would use a filename without spaces
Also most probably you are not able to view a pdf like this


file_list.aia (94.8 KB)
Please check this AIA and kindly guide me If I am doing anything wrong.

Sorry, I’m on mobile and not able to check your project… what about following my previous advice?


Tried without any special charcter or space. But same issue…

How to view a pdf file see here


hello, i am new to this community forum.

i use the ASD forlder to store images for my app but i cannot load them in Dynamic Image component. any help will be appreciated.

Updated version 4

Added properties to set notification title and description, if system download notification is being set to visible.

Added property to set Custom Download Path to set custom path other than ASD, that means now this extension is not limited to ASD only, it can download files in specified path.

Added a new function: FilesListFromAssets to get list of files from app assets directory.


Updated version 5:

Added new functions: SaveFile, ReadFile and AppendFile to work with text files asynchronously.

Added function to get SDK version.


Hello @The_K_Studio you know that it doesn’t work for me on large files, approximately 23mb.
Yes it works well with files up to 10mb for example.
I have all the files in Google Drive

It works without file size limitations, may be problem with your file source.

Check with other source.

I tried several and with different extensions.

The one that worked was CustomDownload from DH

The same works also for the ASD:

(But there a special path is needed for the VideoPlayer.Source.)

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@The_K_Studio Can you please add a block to install or open file after download ??
Like if i am downloading an apk file i want to install that file after download…
Make sure if you add this block then it should work for sdk 34 also

I am having issue with custom download path in SDK 34 …

@The_K_Studio Please take a look on it

Read and understand the Android restrictions and use shared storage


You have to use some logic to handle the downloaded files. I have not added any block to open file as file can be of any type and each file required different methods to open it.

to install apk you may use below extension:

You can not directly create a folder in higher Android versions. As Taifun suggested use shared folders like Download folder to download the files.

@The_K_Studio thank You for Your reply and Wonderful extensions , also thanks to @JEWEL and all kodular members :heart: