@The_K_Studio Can you please add a block to install or open file after download ??
Like if i am downloading an apk file i want to install that file after download…
Make sure if you add this block then it should work for sdk 34 also
Read and understand the Android restrictions and use shared storage
You have to use some logic to handle the downloaded files. I have not added any block to open file as file can be of any type and each file required different methods to open it.
to install apk you may use below extension:
You can not directly create a folder in higher Android versions. As Taifun suggested use shared folders like Download folder to download the files.
@The_K_Studio thank You for Your reply and Wonderful extensions , also thanks to @JEWEL and all kodular members
I’m trying to download an image to /storage/emulated/0/Download, but the extension keeps creating a folder with the same name as the file inside the download folder and downloading the file to it. For example, if I’m trying to download a file called “abc.png”, it will download to /storage/emulated/0/Download/abc/abc.png. Any idea how to download directly to /storage/emulated/0/Download?
Here are my blocks:
try to set Custom Download Path to:
get ASD application specific directory or join get application specific directory with string .png
maybe you need to use Taifun File extension to get ASD directly
I don’t want to download to the ASD. I want to download to the Downloads.
What is the filename you have set in your blocks?
Due to notification permission issue in companion it will not work in companion. Test in Apk.
- ID feature added to download multiple files at a time with respective download track using ID.
- New function added - Change file extension
- Extension rebuilt using FAST CLI
- Extension size reduced to almost half
- Minor bugs fixed and code improved
Important note: While importing lastest aix in your project take a backup of your project as this version will broke old blocks and you have to replace them with latest blocks for download functions and events due to ID introduction.
Version 7 without ID also available for those who don’t want to upgrade to version 8
Latest Aix and documentation updated in first post.