[Free] Async Procedures | Extension

i did not get my 3 dollar and my referal not too

In your Blocks QuickSortASYNC does not exist try removing the ASYNC In the call procedure block and it will fix your Issue

I created QuickSortASYNC already.Check

:+1: :rofl::smile::smiley:

You cannot call the same procedure from that Procedure

So,how can i make it async? If i call Async Quick Sort when button pressed is it make all operation Async? ( If i use normal procedure inside quicksort blocks)

This is working but is it make difference? Because block of inside the Quicksort block do not use async extension

You have to call the QuickSort with the extension. Use the Async Block with arguments to provide it with data

Yea i do it.Its working better than old thanks

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I still get some cramping in my application


You are calling the same function twice, also the blocks needs to be optimised

You must connect using an extension only if you use an extension. You do not have to use two functions

The same problem

Can you explain what you’re trying to do?

Some time I will upload illustrations

I have pictures I change daily

I would like to carry it from firebase strong

And reduce it according to the size of the device

Another experience fails extension does not work

I was happy when Wright extended it but he did not work with me

For the love of God, how hard is it to proofread before posting?

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You have a proeedure, calling a proceedure… Something is wonky there.

Am I a sinner?

Can you explain :sweat_smile:

Recursive recursion.