[FREE] ChangerAudio

An extension that changes your audio

Version = 8
Works on = all androis versions
Permission = change your audio settings
Name = ChangerAudio

Blocks :
blocks (6)

Important note and make sure to remember about this.

1.The maximum of every audio block is 15, if you try 100, it will be maximum
2.every block has input
Input type = INT

First block =

ChangeMusicAudio :

Change your music audio

Second block =

ChangeNotificationAudio :

Change your notification audio

Third block =

ChangeRingtoneAudio :

Change your ringtone audio

Foruth block =

ChangeSystemAudio :

Changes your system audio thay when you type something on keyboard or other system functionals.

Last block =

ChangeVoiceCallAudio :

Changes your Voice call audio

Extension file :
ChangerAudio.aix (5.5 KB)

Have a good day :+1:

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It would be a good start to learn how to make blocks logical first. What does “audioNumber” mean? volume level? then it would be more logical to assign the name Volume or another, but understandable one.
Keep in mind that volume levels may have different maximum values on different devices.
for example, it happens up to 10. as a rule, it is 15. but I’ve seen 100, 150, and 200…

especially for you

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Audio number means the volume you want to change

But here is the same extension with the changed things
VolumeChanger.aix (5.3 KB)

Make sure that the maximum is 15
If you count your volume 0 precent to hundered precent volume up, the volume that you have been pressed to 100 precent volume is 15 times so whenever to 95 or 90, try to put the audioNumber to 14.

probably again :slight_smile: The maximum value depends on the device.
it is enough to get its value in the code. :

int maxVolume = audioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
it is enough to request music. because the rest of the streams will be similar.

Other extensions do that for the user and calculate in percent from 0 to 100


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